June 19th to 21st in Las Vegas

Join Perry Belcher Live - April 1-3

Join Perry Belcher Live - April 1-3

Attention: Marketers, Founders, and Startup Leaders Struggling with Profitability...

You Need to Know



How a Simple ‘Print on Demand’ Trick Can Turn Zero-Margin Mugs & Tees into $288+ Paydays - While Building Your List Fast

Dear Friend,

If you’ve ever wondered how to build a profitable product business without gambling your life savings on inventory no one wants...

If you’ve ever felt a surge of pride at the thought of running a business where your ideas come to life...

And if you're looking for a path that merges low risk products with the high profit margins that most sellers miss out on...

Then I'm inviting you to spend the next few minutes with me. What I'm about to share might just be the most honest, easy, and profitable way to own a real product business in today’s AI-driven world.

Let me show you exactly how it works (and why no one is making the profit they should be earning)…

hi - I'm Perry Belcher

Over my career, I've sold over $900 million of products online, from tripwire gifts and memberships to workshops like this one.

Right now, 3 of my 17 companies work using this model - and they're the ones that require some of the least work from my side to run smoothly, profitably, and scalably.

So - why give away my secret? Simple. I'm looking for the right kind of person - I'll tell you what that means at the workshop.

But enough mystery for now - let me show you how the model works.

"print on Demand" is Just the Gateway

For years, folks have been printing their designs on shirts, mugs, or bags - without ever touching inventory. You’ve probably heard about it from gurus touting “Print on Demand” platforms like Printful or Printify.

It's a great business model for a few reasons...

No big inventory or staffing bills...

No fulfillment to worry about, so you're never kept awake by shipping nightmares...

No guesswork on what products are going to perform, and which are going to flop - because you print after your customer orders.

There's just one big problem.

The profit margin on all this is razor thin - especially when you run everything in the same way that everyone else does. Unless you get everything right, you can actually end up losing money on some orders.

And - while I hate to be the bearer of bad news - the costs are just going to keep going up. Raw materials, packaging, shipping, the works. The only thing that isn't going up fast is the price your customers are willing to pay.

But I'm not here to tell you this is all hopeless...

Because with the right system, print on demand is one of the most profitable ways to run a business.

Unlocking Real

POD Profits

Here's where my personal system comes into play.

By combining high-conversion print on demand products with an unmissable stack of digital offers, you turn those products into profit-generating powerhouses - without any risk (and practically no extra cost)...

But that's not where the model ends.

What I've got is a lot smarter than that.

I call it the “Products on Demand Formula" - here's how the system works:

1: Design and Test your POD products with AI - you can make new designs in the flash of an eye, giving you more flexibility than ever before.

2: Identify Your Winners - Print on Demand moves quickly. Hot trends don't stick around, and you need a system to roll out new options fast.

3: Improve Your Manufacturing - With the right system in place, you get to increase your margins by up to 400% on your products alone.

4: Add Your Secret Sauce - Get the right digital offers in place, and you'll be giving your customers an irresistible reason to buy, while adding real profits for you.

5: Build Your Audience - Here's the great thing about Print on Demand. With the right product in place, your audience comes marching in - practically no effort needed.

Let's Talk Numbers

Print on Demand products do one thing better than anything else you'll ever offer your audience...

They sell.

Even the dumbest, least-optimized products you can offer an audience convert better than professionally-designed but generic options...

And not by a small margin.

As you know, the problem is making them sell profitably.

If you're selling a print-on-demand shirt for $20 (about the most your typical buyer is going to go for), about $18 of that is going to be caught up in costs.

At a $2 profit per sale, you've got one hell of a lot of ground to cover just to make minimum wage from your business, even if you're raking in thousands in revenue every day.

Good thing I'm here to fix that.

Let's break down how the money works with Products on Demand.

1️⃣ Design Costs

Stuck spending money (or time) on designs that don't work?

With the right kind of AI prompting, you get to completely replace that, without any of the typical AI issues. Result - faster, more effective design for a fraction of the price.

2️⃣ Better Manufacturing

Once your winners are locked in, you get to slice the price of your manufacturing.

With my system in place, you go from spending $18 for a printed, delivered shirt to about 4-5 bucks. Result - you make about $15 per sale... Still not quite enough.

3️⃣ Digital Profits

Here's where the results of Products on Demand really shine. Digital products mean real profits - you spend a few bucks a month on subscriptions, and all the rest is profit.

I'm going to give you the exact system I use to build $200 upsells that convert at well over 50% - when you add an extra $100 of profit on each sale, your products go from barely scraping through to world-class profit machines.

Introducing The Products On Demand ONLINE Workshop

By now, you should be seeing the magic here. You've probably got some idea of how to start using my system to add an extra level of profit to any print on demand funnel or business...

But I want to take this way further than that.

From April 1st to 3rd, I'm going to be teaching a masterclass in Products on Demand, teaching you everything it takes to run this complete system.

Here's a sneak preview of the big parts

Market Sourcing &

Niche Discovery

Pinpoint hungry buyer pockets (like weird dog breed enthusiasts, comedic nurse quotes, or micro-sports fans) with minimal ad spend.

With these super niche audiences, you're unlocking an unbelievably committed set of customers - which means real money.


Art Mastery

Even if you have zero design background, we’ll show you how to conjure jaw-dropping images with basic text prompts.

Not the kind of minimum-effort "slop" content that turns off audiences - but art that makes your customers excited to buy.


Tech & Tools

Who to use, who to avoid, how to keep product costs low, and how to ensure your customers get quick shipping and quality items.

The “Texas Two-Step”


My foolproof funnel that automatically builds a buyer’s list of real paying customers (not just freebie-seekers) at no additional cost.

Scaling with Bulk or DTF Printing

How to quadruple your margins the moment a design proves itself.

It’s simpler than you imagine - no giant warehouse required, even for the most successful products you launch.

Digital Upsells That Add

$100–$200 to Each Order

Unless you handle it right, your print-on-demand customers vanish the second they make that first purchase.

I'll be showing you how to design digital add-ons that enhance your customer’s experience and drop pure profit into your pocket.

Memberships &

Recurring Magic

That single t-shirt purchase doesn't have to end there. I'm going to be teaching you how to turn that sale into a $49 or $99 monthly membership that your customers love for stable, consistent revenue.

Want to see how well this works?

Zero-effort upsells that haven't been touched in years still pull in 30%+ take rates - get it right, and you'll be converting most of your buyers into members.

Ad & Organic Traffic Shortcuts

How to get results with just $3–$5/day in ad spend - or even free traffic from targeting niche communities with SEO-powered organic content.

By the end of this workshop

You'll have a blueprint you can follow step by step - even if you've never touched anything like this before.

By the end of this workshop, you'll have a blueprint you can follow step by step - even if you've never touched anything like this before.

You'll have my system to churn out new designs, test them faster than any competition can handle, identify your hits, scale them quick and cheap... and multiply your revenue with simple digital upsells.

This Is Your Moment – Seize It Now

Cards on the table - let's talk cash.

I've taught workshops like this for $997 or more. Matter of fact, a week after this workshop, I'll be hosting a getaway for one of my masterminds where the price of entry is well over $5,000 (for the few who qualify).

But, obviously, I'm not going to try to charge anywhere near that.

I've priced this at just $97, for one clear reason - I want to blow away any reason you have to say "no".

And yep, there's a catch. I'm not really here to sell you the workshop. It's priced to sell itself.

What I'm looking to do is get a room full of dedicated entrepreneurs who are ready, willing and able to embrace new strategies to scale their businesses... Because I've got an opportunity you're going to want to hear about.

In other words, I'm going to make you an offer during the workshop - but enough about that for now.

Before I let you secure your space, I want you to imagine where you're going to be 90 days from today...

  • You've launched multiple products that pull in customers like a magnet - all without paying a cent to any designer, funnel builder, or copywriter.

  • You've used my Products on Demand system to sell them with zero inventory cost, and pivoted the winners to massively upgrade your margins.

  • You've added a stack of upsells to elevate your profit from each sale - whether it's a $29 digital workbook, a $97 monthly membership, or a $297 workshop.

  • You've locked in an engaged list of buyers in your specific niche - one hell of a lot more valuable than any other kind of lead.

  • You're spending your creatives energies focusing on new ideas and counting up your profits rather than putting out fires and worrying about your margin (or your inventory)...

All from a system so streamlined that you can do it in your spare hours, around a full-time job, family life, or other responsibilities...

One that's completely protected by a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.

If you're not getting the info and training you expect, just drop my team an email for a complete refund.

Time to Make the Call

Because you're here, I suspect you’ve seen enough “big promises” to last a lifetime. But you also recognize opportunity when it stares you in the face.

You've seen the unstoppable power of Products on Demand. You know exactly what I'll be teaching you from April 1-3 at the workshop...

The rest is up to you.

You can keep on dabbling while others steal my secrets...

Or you can step into a complete, proven system that anyone can follow to build a real, high-margin business.

Ready to watch your creativity, sense of purpose, and bank balance rise in harmony? Just click the button right below to get started:

To your success,

Perry Belcher.

P.S. 90 days from now, the payout for your 3rd or 4th best-selling product could be hitting your bank...

Or you could still be "thinking about it".

I don't know about you, but I strongly encourage you to choose the first option. Reserve your seat now (100% risk-free) and discover the business model that changes everything you know about print on demand.

©2025 Growth Hacking LLC